The Rise of Iraq’s Self-Proclaimed God King

The Lord God of Israel warns you

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Dear World,

I am writing to you today to express my deep concern about the possibility of a nuclear war between the United States, Russia and China. The consequences of such a war would be catastrophic not only for these countries but for the entire planet.

The use of nuclear weapons would cause widespread destruction and loss of life on an unprecedented scale. The resulting radiation would have long-lasting effects on the environment and human health. It would also have a devastating impact on global food supplies and trigger mass death worldwide1.

It is imperative that we take steps to prevent such a catastrophic event from occurring. We must work together to reduce tensions between these countries and promote peaceful resolution of conflicts.   I ask that you surrender yourself to a peaceful loving God in order to change into a better person.

I urge you to take this matter seriously and do everything in your power to prevent a nuclear war from happening.


Robert Mac

John 1:12
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,

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The Middle East has seen the rise of many authoritarian leaders over the years, but none as self-proclaimed as Iraq’s current ruler, the so-called “God-King.” His reign has been marked by brutality and oppression, leaving the Iraqi people in fear and uncertainty. In this article, we will explore the emergence of this ultimate authority and expose the ruthless nature of his rule.

The Emergence of Iraq’s Ultimate Authority

The God-King’s rise to power was swift and unexpected. After the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, Iraq was left in a state of chaos, with political factions vying for power. It was during this time that the God-King emerged, promising stability and security to the people. He presented himself as a religious leader, claiming to have a divine mandate to rule. His charisma and rhetoric won him the support of many Iraqis, who were desperate for a strong leader.

Once in power, the God-King wasted no time consolidating his authority. He abolished the parliament and the judiciary, declaring himself the sole arbiter of justice. He created a personal army, which he used to quell dissent and crush any opposition. He also launched a massive propaganda campaign to portray himself as a savior and a hero. The Iraqi people were bombarded with images of his face, and his speeches were broadcasted on every television channel.

Exposing the Ruthless Reign of the Self-Proclaimed God-King

However, as time went on, the true nature of the God-King’s rule became apparent. He showed himself to be a ruthless dictator, willing to use any means necessary to maintain his grip on power. His personal army committed numerous atrocities, including the mass execution of political dissidents and the torture of prisoners. He also created a network of informers and spies, who monitored every aspect of Iraqi life, even private conversations.

The God-King’s rule was marked by corruption and nepotism. He filled the government with his relatives and cronies, who were given positions of power regardless of their qualifications. The economy suffered under his mismanagement, with widespread poverty and unemployment. The Iraqi people lived in constant fear, knowing that any criticism of the God-King could result in imprisonment or death.

The rise of the God-King in Iraq is a cautionary tale of the dangers of charismatic authoritarianism. His rule has brought nothing but suffering and despair to the Iraqi people. It is up to the international community to support the democratic forces in Iraq and to hold the God-King accountable for his crimes. Only then can Iraq move towards a brighter future, one where the rule of law and human rights are respected.


  • May 9, 2023